Thursday, September 18, 2008

-School Days Give Away-

It is starting to feel like fall here. My kids have been back in school for a couple of weeks now. There is homework, piano.. and soccer- all those fun things that go along with school.

This is a great little design to put on a big mirror, a sliding door, or window, or it would make a great gift for your child's teacher.

If you'd like a chance to win this great design- just leave me a comment and put my button on your blog or website. I will pick a winner on Monday!

If you'd like to order it- the size is 5x10 and the cost is $14.00.

Thanks for looking!


My life....Ruled by BOYS!! said...

This would be a great gift for a teacher!!!! What a great idea. Hope you have a great Friday and good weekend!!!! I'm off to put your button on my blog! Thank you!!

Missy said...

Your button is on my blog! :o)

Kristin said...

I love all of your creations- you are so talented!